
6 months ago

It’s What was for Dinner  There are 650 species of river snails in North America which makes this continent the…

A Saw Tooth Rim Bowl

6 months ago

Most Indian artifact surface collectors in the Piedmont of the Carolinas and Virginia are familiar with small broken ceramic bowl…

A Square Stem Collared Pipe

6 months ago

The natives in late prehistoric and early historic North America made and used many kinds of instruments for smoking diverse…

A Sauratown Copper Celt

6 months ago

The Indian village, known as Upper Sauratown, in Stokes County, NC, was lived in for around a hundred years in…

The Saura Indians of Rockingham & Stokes Counties, NC

6 months ago

During years of AD 1669 and 1670, the German physician and explorer John Lederer, traversed the northern area of the…

The Ancient Tripodal Bottles

6 months ago

You readers, who are in my somewhat elderly age group, will probably remember playing outside as children (that was “bc”…

The Norman Biconical Tube Pipe

6 months ago

Tobacco was unknown in Europe until the early European explorers discovered it being smoked by the aborigines in North and…

The Quapaw Teapot

6 months ago

The Indians, who are today known as Quapaw, are a Dhegiha Siouan group who migrated from the Ohio Valley south…

Catawba Indian Pottery

6 months ago

They called themselves “yeh is wah h’reh”, which in their native language, possibly translated into “people of the river”.  When…

Three Saltville Style Gorgets and a Crystal

6 months ago

The Engraved Shell Gorget is one of the rarest artifacts made during the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex or SECC (also called…